One day i went to Bandung, and i was starving on the way. so i choose to stop by and try some food.hihi
Kedai Nyonya Rumah. i went to the one at naripan. at front,it is so small. only a ruko and looks like bakery. yeah,it's really bakery at the front. and the restaurant is behind that. we have to go through the bakery first. hmmm... smells good. =9
Java Steak (46.2K). the meat is good and well cooked. the sauce too. the meat not too hard yet not to soft. dont you see it's so unique that there is a boiled egg with it? hahaha. they're all yummy. =9
Nasi Ulam Ayam (29.8K). very different with the one we have in Jakarta. there is no sauce (kuah). the taste like what yaa.. hard to define. but i think, it's just standard.hehe
Nasi Tutug Oncom (31K). The oncom is very few, almost not detected.hahahaha. so the rice is more similiar with nasi uduk.hehe
Nasi Tumpeng Parahyangan (29.8K). nah this is very yummy. me llikey very much.hehe. The yellow rice is a bit lembek2. i love this is kind of rice.haha. ada orak arik tempe, gepuk, piramid egg (telor yg d bentuknya segitiga), chicken flesh with their specialty sauce, prawn cracker, and errr.. i forgot the name, vegetables with grated coconut. hehe.
Nasi Timbel Komplit (32.3K), it's just like another nasi timbel lah. with sayur asem, sambel, tofu , tempe, fried chicken, lalap, and rice. teh sambel is so HOT.hahaha
i guess this is their masterpiece: Lontong Komplit (29.8K). slurrppp. the taste is tempting!hahaha. lontong,egg,tofu, meat ( i forgot it's chicken or beef), prawn cracker, and chicken satay. You have to try it. ;)
Kedai Nyonya Rumah
Jl. Naripan 92 C
Jl. Trunojoyo No. 29,
Citarum, Bandung,
hwaaaaaaa nasi timbelnya #ngiler
Can't wait to go back to my hometown
wait 4 me Bandung!!!
tnx 4 the address :D
iya emang enak2.hehe. lontong komplit sama nasi tumpengnya jg enakkkk.hehe
letaknya pas d sblh dunkin donuts yaa. :)
you are very welcome. hihi
went here a couple of times to their Trunojoya branch. cozy ambiance with nice yet affordable food :)
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