Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Gulai Daun Singkong

Alkisah kemarin ke supermarket mau nyari sayur hijau karena stok di rumah uda habis. Eh tumbenan banget ada daun singkong. Murah meriah pula. Berhubung suami emang doyan gulai daun singkong (saya uda googling resepnya dari jaman kapan tau, tapi susah nyari daun singkongnya), jadi ya saya beli deh. Pas pulang baru liat-liat lagi resepnya di internet, wah ada beberapa bahan bumbu yang ga punya nih. Tapi yaudalah, uda niat masak ini, ya masak aja. Toh sebagian besar masih ada bahannya. Jadi nekatlah saya bikin juga. Jadi ini resepnya uda saya modif sedemikian rupa, biar sesuai sama isi dapur saya ya. hahaha :p

Bahan :
Daun singkong 1 ikat (gatau deh itu berapa gram)
80 ml Santan kental (saya pakai Kara)
5 lembar daun salam
500-700ml air

Bumbu halus:
5 siung bawang putih
4 siung bawang merah (karena udah ga punya lagi. Kalau masih punya lagi sih pengennya pakai 6 siung)
1 ruang jari jahe
1 ruas jari kunyit
3 cabe merah keriting (atau 2 cabe merah besar)
1/2 sdm ketumbar (kalau saya sih disangrai dl lalu ditumbuk, baru dicampur ke yg lain)
5 buah kemiri sangrai

Yang harusnya pakai tapi saya ga punya:
1 batang sereh ; ambil bagian putihnya saja
2 ruas jari lengkuas, geprek
ikan teri

Cara masak :
- Rebus daun singkong + 1 sdt garam sampai benar-benar empuk (saya pakai panci biasa, api besar, 45 menit sudah lumayan empuk. Cara ceknya: ambil sebagian daunnya, coba tekan-tekan pakai tangan. Kalau masih liat, lanjutin rebus lagi. Tapi kayaknya sih kalo lebih empuk lg lebih enak. Mungkin kalau pakai presto bisa lebih cepat dan cihuy)
- Sambil nunggu daun singkongnya empuk, sambil siapin bumbu halusnya. Masukan semua bahan bumbu halus ke blender, tambahkan sedikit air, blender sampai halus. Kalau masih kurang halus, tambahkan air lagi sedikit, baru blender lagi.
- Kalau daun singkongnya uda cukup empuk, buang airnya, kemudian bilas pakai air biasa, aduk-aduk pakai tangan supaya sisa kelebihan garamnya hilang. Kemudian buang airnya.
- Remas-remas daun singkongnya supaya airnya keluar semua. Nanti jadinya cuma sekepalan tangan doank daunnya. Lalu potong-potong sekitar 1cm.
- Di panci lain, tumis bumbu halus + daun salam (kalau ada sereh dan lengkuas juga sekalian ditumis) dengan kira-kira 2sdm minyak goreng sampai warnanya berubah, ga pucat lagi. Masukan daun singkong dan air (kira-kira 400-500ml aja, gausa terlalu banyak airnya). Masak sampai mendidih.
- Masukan garam, gula, merica. Aduk.
- Masukan santan. Masak sampai mendidih. Aduk sesekali saja.
- Koreksi rasa. Matikan api.

Jadi deeeeeeh! Yay! Kata mama saya sih lebih enak lagi kalau pakai ikan teri. Tapi ya apa daya ga punya. hehe

Bolu Kukus Ketan Hitam (Steamed Black Sticky Rice Cake)

Ceritanya nih saya seumur-umur belum pernah bikin kue pakai tepung ketan. Jadi penasaran pengen coba bikin. Akhirnya kemarin pas ke supermarket, sekalianlah beli tepung ketan hitam. Saya uda research dulu sebelumnya. Ternyata bikin bolu kukus ketan hitam ini gampang keliatannya. Resepnya saya comot dari google aja. Nemu di cookpad, saya pilih salah satu, yang keliatannya meyakinkan, trs sok2an kutak katik dikit. (#sokjago)

Ini resepnya :
250 gr tepung ketan hitam
180 gr gula pasir 
5 butir telur ayam ukuran sedang (suhu ruangan)
1 sdt ovalet/sp
1/2 sdt garam halus (jangan pakai yg kasar, nanti ga larut)
200 ml minyak sayur
1 sdm susu kental manis

Cara bikin:
- Olesi loyang dengan minyak (loyangnya terserah ukuran berapa, yg penting muat aja di dandang :p ; Saya pake ukuran 16cm bulat, jadinya lumayan tinggi kuenya)
- Panaskan dandangnya. Pastikan airnya cukup banyak ya, ga lucu kalau di tengah kukus kehabisan air. hihihi
- Kocok telur + gula + ovalet/sp + garam sampai mengembang dan warnanya jadi pucat (kurang lebih 7-8 menit dengan speed tinggi)
- Masukan tepung ketan hitamnya sedikit demi sedikit
- Masukan minyak dan susu kental manis
- Kukus kurang lebih 45 menit. Jangan lupa tes tusuk pakai sapu lidi atau tusuk gigi dulu ya.

Dari siapin bahan sampai selesai kukus, kurang lebih 1 jam doank. Cepet kaaaan. hehe.
Cus atuh dicobain. Kalau uda cobain trs post ke instagram, boleh atuh pakai hashtag #yummyfordummy biar saya bisa tau ada juga orang yg cobain resep saya. Hahahaha :p

Monday, February 29, 2016

Hello from the Other Side

Hello Readers! I'm back!! *pasang kembang api*

Well, emang udah lama banget saya ga ngeblog dikarenakan satu dan lain hal. Tp bukan berarti lupa sama blog kesayangan loh. Buktinya ini saya balik ngeblog lagi. hihi (doain aja biar rajin nge-update ya :p) 
Ini ceritanya emang dasar jiwa ngerumpi, jadi tiap nemuin resep kece atau tempat bagus atau apapun, langsung kepengen ngeblog dan berbagi info sama orang lain, siapa tau ada yg butuh. Tp apa daya, waktu dan tenaga tak ada. Nah ini makanya mumpung lagi sempet, yoweslah mari kita ngeblog lagi. 

Namun karena ada beberapa perubahan kondisi dan kehidupan (ceileeeeh..), jadinya kayaknya uda ga bakal bahas restaurant review banyak-banyak lagi deh. Soalnya sekarang uda jadi ibu rumah tangga, jd banyakan masak di rumah, cobain resep-resep (yang banyakan nemu di internet juga sih sebenernya).hahaha. Terus, sejak tahun lalu, saya uda ga terima invitation dari restaurant2 lagi, soalnya susah juga atur waktunya. Kalau invitationnya weekend, saya maunya weekend itu bareng family, jalan santai kek, atau cuma goler-goler di rumah. Atau anterin kue pesenan orang (saya punya online cake shop loh. Ayo monggo dipesan ya :p Ga mau lagi repot-repot pergi jauh-jauh (hari Sabtu Jakarta macetnya luar biasa banget), yang ujung-ujungnya nyampenya juga telat (saking macetnya), dan ga ada waktu buat ngepostnya. Merasa bersalah banget. T.T

Now that I am married, mungkin I will post a review about my vendors (semoga ga males), semoga aja infonya bermanfaat buat yang membaca yaaa. :)


Thursday, November 20, 2014

BANGO APPS: A Must-Have App for Everyone

Heyho good people!
Been ages since my last post, but this time I got something awesome that I cannot wait to share! This is BANGO APP! Yes, Bango the soysauce brand. After making the most awesome Festival Jajanan (street food festival - kind of), now they make an app. You might wanna know why you should have it. Keep reading readers.

First sight

1. Starving no more coz you can search any good food around you faster, easier, and only one click needed. Don't worry, it also can show you how to get there. I can say this is my favorite feature so far. Yeah, I starve a lot.
my closest food
Featured food

2. You can share info and rate a restaurant/tenant/hawker stall you find or visit. No need to be a famous writer to be a reviewer. And the best part is honest review is welcome. Anyhow, this feature also help you to choose the food suit you better. But don't forget, food is about taste, and everyone has different taste. *wink*
my first review *love love*

3. It's never hurt to get notification about latest promotion. Besides, sometimes you need one. LOL
today's promotion

4. Find recipe is as easy as flipping you hand. No kidding. There are many recipes uploaded daily from users. Yes, users. Means you also can share your favorite recipe so the other can try it too. Lovely, isn't it?
I drool faster than cooking

5. This is the happiest one. You can win Samsung Galaxy S5, Ipad Mini and Samsung Camera just by sharing review using this app. Terms & condition might apply. You might want to check h

Tips & Trick: Don't forget to turn on your 'Location' so the apps can find your location and give you the best choices you need.

In my opinion, this apps is very user friendly and comfortable for my eyes. It uses Indonesian, so there won't be language-clash. You may download the apps on:
Available for iOS, Android, and Blackberry. Go get yours NOW! Can't wait to share more stories with you. *love love*

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pastry Making Class with Bogasari Baking Center and Femina Magazine.

Who wants to join Pastry Making Class for FREE? Yes, you can. Register by simply commenting on this post, I will choose 1 lucky reader to come with me to attend this class. I will publish the winner on my twitter (@yummyfordummy). So please feel free to follow. The venue will be in Kelapa Gading area, please make sure you can come. See ya!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

#Magnoffee : Fun Way to Have Coffee

Heyho, people! I’m back! No, not because I’m not busy enough, but because I have something to share with you, and I couldn’t keep it myself for a longer time. :p
What’s that? Hint: It’s something to do with Magnum.

Who doesn’t know Magnum? It is a legendary ice cream in the world. Started with a single variant: vanilla, now they’re expanding a lot. Since the first booming Magnum Cafe few years ago, the hype wasn't stop right there. Magnum still making further steps, which lead to more enjoyment. YAY!

I'm not a vanilla nor coffee person. But when it comes to Magnum and Coffee, this is where my exception begins. The first time I met Cikopi in Magnum Café (Grand Indonesia) few weeks ago, he told me a lot of coffee thingy. Made me come to a question “If you want to have a cup of coffee, then why you are here? Magnum Café is a place for ice cream, not for coffee.” , and warmly he answered “Ah, you must be haven’t tried Magnofee. Try one!”. Then I got myself a mini Vanilla Magnum and a cup of coffee. OMG! Now I can say I’m a coffee person! :p

I remember how I couldn't stand of coffee. Black and bitter. Thanks to Magnum who invented giving me the idea of #Magnoffee. So what is this #Magnoffee thing? Glad that you asked. 

#Magnoffee is the latest trend brought up by Magnum, simply by putting Magnum ice cream into coffee. You can use any flavor of Magnum (mini Magnum is highly suggested) and any kind of coffee. Well, it looks like Affogato, but this one is even better.  Perfect for afternoon coffee time, working company, dessert, just hanging out with friends or family, and any other casual occasions.  

Talking about the direction, nobody can say. I mean, like, everybody has their own way to do anything. And so about this one. Magnofee totally have no rule. You can have it your way.  For example, my sister loves to put Magnum Vanilla into hot black coffee, and then she stirs it around using the stick, until some of ice cream melted. In the other hand, I prefer to crush the Magnum inside the packaging, then pour it all into the coffee. My friend love to use Brownie Magnum for her caffe latte. Need extra topping? You may add cinnamon or sugar or any stuff suits you well. I love grated dark chocolate, and my aunty loves grated ginger.

Having Magnoffee is so fun. I’ve done few experiments until now, and still keep counting. What about you? Make you own creation now!

PS. You can grab your favorite Magnum at nearest supermarket, mini market or any other stores.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cuca : The Real Gem in Jimbaran

Happy Belated New Year, hungry people! This is my first post in 2014. One of my resolutions is to post more often then 2013. Wish me luck. :p

Have I told you that I went to Bali last October? I'm pretty sure I did it on this post. Now I'd like to share another good food in Bali; Cuca.

They opened in August 2013, just exactly on Eid Mubarak day. But I heard their name way before it. Apparently they prepared the dishes, ingredients, concept, and whatsoever from far far ago. Good to know. I was more than excited to try, I even booked my table before I departed from Jakarta. lol :p

Located in Jl. Patih Jelantik, near Intercontinental Hotel, the place wasn't in the main street, but there's a signage so you won't miss it. Thanks to my driver who drove me along to all of places I wanted to go in Bali with all his patience. (His name is Pak Kadek, his number is 62-819 9910 0879. He is very kind and sincere. I definitely will hire him if I happen to go to Bali again). Cuca have 3 parts of seating place: garden (it didn't have beach view but very lovely on sunset), dining area (private area, suitable for dating, family dinner, or any occasion that need more privacy), and kitchen bar (very suitable for people like who loves to watch the chef doing his attraction). I chose kitchen bar!

I came with 3 of my empty-tummy-friends, but since it was our last night in Bali and we still had one eating place to go that night, so we managed to order 3 tapas (small dishes/appetizer) and 3 drinks. FYI, Cuca only serves tapas, so there is no main course. The waiter said it took approx 3-4 portion to make someone full.

Welcome Dish
While waiting for our order, the friendly waiter served us the welcome dish. Don't know how to call it, the texture was similar with cotton. The flavor came from powder spice. Kevin, the head chef and founder, said it had Ayam Betutu flavor. And he created the recipe by himself! Cool. I even amazed from the first dish.

Crispy Fried Chicken (IDR 60K)

First dish appeared so tempting. Came with an outstanding presentation, it wasn't hard for me to take a good picture of it. Crispy Fried Chicken. Even from the name, you could tell what's in it. Yes, it's chicken. But Cuca successfully put an extra touch that made the dish unforgettable to me.  With a hint of wild honey, sesame dust, lemon basil, and served with coleslaw, the chicken was crunchy outside and juicy inside. Well seasoning was definitely their plus point.

Roasted Tiger Prawns (IDR 90K)

Roasted Tiger Prawns brought me to in the middle of love and hate. Love it because the outstanding taste. Hate it because I need some more by now that I'm drooling while writing this. I can tell you the tiger prawn was all fresh because I could taste it. Came with deep fried eggplant as topping and light coconut broth successfully highlight the season.

Free Range Chicken Puddle ( IDR 58K)
Well, I'm Asian, I eat rice. I was curious what would happen to Indonesian red rice in Chef Kevin's hand. And it turned out very well. Free Range Chicken Puddle came as a luxurious result with a high rated taste. Broth was nice, a little thick and savory. The red rice was very fine, felt like less fiber-ish, very enjoyable. The chicken was cut into diamond cut, cooked into perfection. Well done.

Monkey Business (IDR  65K)
When it comes to dessert, I will never miss it. Monkey Business is a bowl of baby banana pudding baptized in caramel look-a-like sauce that made from whiskey butterscotch, with espresso gelato. Am not a big fan of banana, but this one was an exception! The best sweet bitter alcoholic dessert I ever had. :)

Cocoa 8 (IDR  80K)
From the first sight, I knew my heart would fall for this one. The idea of mint choco flying in my head. And I was right. The combination of warm dark choco mousse with homemade mint ice cream (yes, it was homemade and the taste was no joke, way better than the one sold in supermarket. How cool is that?) and chocolate croutons was incredibly the best! OMG. As a chocolate lover, am so proud and happy. Chocolate and mint will never go wrong, right?

Bali Breakfast (IDR 65K)
It was not a breakfast menu, it's dessert. Called as Bali Breakfast because of the look. Hmm.. What is that? Let me explain. The 'yolk' in the middle was mango puree that tasted sweet and runny. The 'white part' was whipped coconut which tasted light, creamy, and went super duper well with the mango. This was the best dessert of the day. Never thought coconut and mango could make a pretty result. I will definitely came back for Bali Breakfast. *big grin*

Sun-Gria Mocktail  (IDR 60K)

Sun-Gria Mocktail  (IDR 60K)
Besides the outstanding dishes, Cuca also has outstanding beverages. Sun-Gria came in an extraordinary appearance. They replace ice cubes with watermelon ice cubes. Since I ordered the mocktail, not cocktail, they used watermelon juice. There should be red wine if you order cocktail one. Yes, this is one of the best thing here, every cocktail had mocktail version. Suitable for a person who cannot drink like me. Anyway, Sun-Gria Cocktail will cost you IDR 90K. 

Moo - Cocktail (IDR 90K) 

I'm so familiar with chocolate milk. There's no day i spent without drinking one. Moo, was a chocolate milk I drank that day. But the difference was Moo got hazelnut liquor and vanilla brandy. Light and comforting, enough to got me a good sleep. 

Blush - Mocktail (IDR 50K)
Just like the others, Blush also had mocktail - cocktail version. The cocktail version would cost you IDR 90K. Blush contain red watermelon juice with yellow watermelon ice. So refreshing. Cute appearance, right? 

I extremely enjoyed my visit and definitely will come back as soon as I can. Nice ambience combined with good food. What else can I ask for more? The real gem hidden in Jimbaran, Bali. :)

My view while eating

  1. Cuca 
    Phone:(0361) 708066
  2. Address: Jalan Yoga Perkanthi, Jimbaran, Bali 80364

Anyway, as you seen on picts, I got a new logo. What do you think? :) 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Smell of Yummy Christmas

Heyho Readers! 

Lots of my firsts came in this year. Without noticing much, this year is nearly passed. A bitter sweet year of mine reminds me of a chocolate cake. It's dark, sweet, lovely, and makes me craving for more. :) 
I also can't hide my excitements for next year. I've been planning tons of resolutions though. A little secret, I'm planning to resign from the company I'm working for. Hopefully I could create something better in future.

Thank you for keep reading my blog during this awesome 2013. See you in 2014. 
At last, have a yummy Christmas and scrumptious New Year! Keep eating, stay awesome! 


Sara Rozelina
Author of

This is a cake from Dapur Cokelat 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Marutama Ramen : The Rise of Japanese Ramen

Ramen shop is everywhere now. But I do remember, Marutama Ramen as the pioneer of authentic ramen shop in Jakarta. Last week I made a visit to their outlet in EX - Plaza Indonesia. I love the ambience; private, calm, and earthy. Even located among other shops in the middle of the building, they still have interesting view, which is bowling alley. So don’t worry if you go alone, you still can watch people playing bowling and shout “wow” when they do strike. Never find a restaurant with this kind of view before. 

Boiled Gyoza was my first dish. Gyoza is Japanese dumpling. Available in two choices: pork and chicken. You also can choose how you want it to be cooked; boiled or fried. The gyoza came with special house made sauce, made from vinegar and soy sauce. Tasted a little strange to me. The vinegar was too strong, ruined the gyoza’s natural charm. Maybe next time I’ll ask them to serve the sauce separately. 
Boiled Gyoza

Second dish I tried was Tamago Ramen (IDR 66k). This is their new menu. Well, not literally new, but they just created a new package. Before, you could order Marutama Ramen with tamago (marinated half boiled egg). Now, because of a lot of request, they allow you to order Tamago Ramen, and get the exact dish. Fun fact: here you can have all you can eat noodle, as long as you still have the broth. Don’t worry, the ramen come in a big size. A little truth about the broth, it is chicken broth, made fresh everyday. The spoke person said they need 30 kilos of chicken bones and more than 5 hours to cook the delicious rich broth. This broth is used for all ramen and menu. They call it toripaitan. That’s what makes Marutama different with others. So if you don’t eat pork, you still can dine here and order chicken, because you are always allowed to choose chicken or pork for the topping. Not enough? You also may order for extra topping with extra charge too. Enough with the information. Now my turn to share my opinion. I loved it! The broth was so rich and thick with perfect amount of seasoning. It was the hero of the dish. The tamago was beautifully cooked. Need a whole night to marinate the egg before served to customer. The ramen itself was silky and perfectly boiled. I’m not surprised that it was a homemade ramen. Yes, they made the ramen in their main kitchen and distribute to all of their branches everyday.
Tamago Ramen - IDR 66K 

Tamago Ramen - IDR 66K 

Marutama is still one of my favorite ramen in Jakarta. What about yours? Tweet me. (@yummyfordummy) 
Marutama Ramen
EX- Plaza Indonesia 2nd floor #20
P: 021‐316 0705
F: 021‐315 1874
Operation hours:
Sunday – Thursday : 11.30 am – 11.15 pm

Friday – Saturday : 11.30 am – 12.00 pm

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sizzling Brownie to Sizzle Your Sweettooth - Fat Burger

Among many burgers joint in Jakarta, Fat Burger successfully caught my eyes. Used to be located at 5th floor of Plaza Indonesia, now they move into a new nicer place; LG floor, still in the same building. Fun fact: they have classic-look jukebox where you can order your favorite songs for FREE. Yes, it’s free! I tried to order some songs then happily ate my meal while listening. It’s fun.

Offering juicy meat and delicious big size burger, now they proudly present you a new dessert. I found it very creative and inspiring. Sizzling Brownie it is. From the name, you might guess it is a brownie in a hot plat. Then yes, you’re right. This is how they served the tempting Sizzling Brownie: a brownie on a hot plate and vanilla ice cream on top, with the chocolate sauce poured onto them so the sauce will sizzle all the way.

Felt like a sweet dream to me. The moist rich chocolate brownie with cold and milky vanilla ice cream plus melted chocolate sauce gave a superb sensation to my palate. My sweet teeth were truly entertained. For you who don’t like sweet, you might find it too sweet. But you like me, so you definitely love sweetness. See you around, sweet heart! ;)

Fat Burger
Address: Plaza Indonesia
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 28 – 30
Central Jakarta
Phone:(021) 3107584
Store Hours: Sun-Sat 10am-10pm

Plaza Senayan Food Court 
3th Fl, #339 Jl
Asia Afrika No. 8

South Jakarta

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Paradise Inn : The Paradise for Your Buds

Paradise Inn is a second line of Paradise Dynasty. Opened their first outlet in Indonesia at Plaza Indonesia. FYI, Paradise Inn is a franchise from Singapore, brought to Indonesia by Boga Group. The room is decorated with Chinese theme and traditional Chinese song played, felt like I was in Shanghai.

Chinese food is famous of its traditional spices that good for health. Traditional Double Boiled Chicken with Spare Ribs and Ginseng (Rp. 45.000/portion or Rp. 158.000/pot) was my choice as opening dish to tickle my buds. To be honest, I didn’t expect the dish to be super delicious because, well, you know, traditional spices usually taste strange. But out of my expectation, this dish was so tasty. The broth was so rich, made from chicken stock with double boiling way. First they boiled the stock, and then they steam it. That’s why the chicken and pork meat were so soft. Delish!

Traditional Double Boiled Chicken with Spare Ribs and Ginseng (Rp. 45.000/portion or Rp. 158.000/pot) 

This wasn’t my first visit. I used to come with my family, and my mom always orders Hotplate Tofu with Preserved ‘Cai Xin’ and Minced Pork (Rp.48.000 for small size and Rp. 68.000 for medium size). I have to admit it also one of my favorite dishes in Paradise Inn (the other one is Imperial Pork Ribs). I loved the homemade tofu, so soft, mild and felt nice. Very easy to digest but solid enough to give a soft touch in your mouth. Ah, new idea. Someday if I get a toothache, I’ll eat Paradise Inn’s tofu instead of porridge. Lol. Anyway, the sauce went well with the tofu. Tasted savory and salty. 
Hotplate Tofu with Preserved ‘Cai Xin’ and Minced Pork (Rp.48.000 for small size and Rp. 68.000 for medium size)

Who doesn’t like coconut pudding? Paradise Inn made their Coconut Pudding (Rp. 42.000) everyday from a real Thai coconut. Enough said, I had no doubt about this fact, the taste spoke itself. Lemongrass Jelly with  Lemonade (Rp. 25.000) was also a good deal. Refresh my mind and belly, as if I’m ready again for another round. No, I’m kidding. I was full enough, but literally refreshed. Apparently lemonade is a good companion for a jelly. Nice touch.
 Coconut Pudding (Rp. 42.000)-back and Lemongrass Jelly with  Lemonade (Rp. 25.000)-front

Paradise Inn
Plaza Indonesia Level Basement Unit 25-27A
Ph. 021-2992 3848
Fax. 021-2992 3849

Business Hours : 10 am - 10pm (daily)

Twitter : @ParadiseIndo

Facebook : Paradise Inn Jakarta

You may read this post on Farrago Indonesia.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pancious - Perfectly Homemade

I remember when Pancious opened their first outlet in Permata Hijau area was a big hip. Now they already have more 10 outlets in Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya. I love the ambiance of Pancious' outlets. The decoration dominated with white and red, with sofas everywhere made the customers comfy. The place is perfect for all occasion from hang out with friends, dating, family gathering, or even a business meeting, maybe that's why Pancious is always crowded. 

Blueberry Cheese Pancake (Rp. 43.500 for single and Rp. 62.500 for double). To be honest, I'm not a fan of vanilla ice cream. But this one was an exception. The homemade ice cream was milky yet light enough as a vanilla ice cream. The pancake wasn't too sweet. The blueberry cheese sauce was so good. Sweet and sour, mixed with milky vanilla ice cream to flavor up the pancake. 
Blueberry Cheese Pancake

Blackpepper Meatball Pasta (Rp.65.000) was the highlight of that day. Served with creamy sauce, but tasted light enough that I could finish it all in less than 15 minutes. Homemade meatball was made from minced beef. A little too dry, but went well with the creamy sauce. Extra sausage was also a homemade and made the dish taste even better. A perfect shot of blackpepper made everyone can eat it.
Blackpepper Meatball Pasta (Rp.65.000)

My heart fallen for Fresh Fruit Ice Tea Cocktail (Rp. 52.000). Made from fresh mango juice and tea, with diamond cut strawberry, mango, apple, and kiwi. I think the drink was good as dessert too. Came in a huge glass bottle, the portion was enough for 2-4 persons. 
Fresh Fruit Ice Tea Cocktail (Rp. 52.000)

If you notice, almost all the menu in Pancious are homemade and no preservatives or any other chemical thing. Glad to know it, and don't you wish to find other food taste like theirs. Other good thing is, they serve breakfast menu all day. :)

Plaza Indonesia Level 5 Unit E06 – E08
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 28 – 30
Jakarta 10350
Phone: (021) 29924808

Opening Hours:
Sunday – Thursday: 10am – 10 pm
Friday – Saturday: 10am – 12 pm

Twitter : @panciouspancake

Facebook : Pancious Pancake House

You may also read this post on Farrago Indonesia

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